About Us

The Company’s Chief Executive Officer Amir Ghaffari after years of experience, established the company in 2003 and has been an active member of Chamber of Commerce and with more than Twenty years. Persia Farnam would provide supplying Raw Materials, Devices and Equipment needed by Industries and Merchants, complete the import chain, clearance and delivery of goods. As well as our major activities has been focused on cooperation with companies from Germany, Italy, UAE and Australia.
We help our customers to keep full visibility of their supply chain and access the most efficient and reliable routes.
Contact Us
Address: Unit 7, #3, Second Street. Yusefabad 1431685118 Tehran/IRAN
Postal Code: 1431685118
Tel: +982188959139 - +982188962618
Email: info@persiafarnam.com
Persia Farnam . All rights reserved